Using Dial Plan Tags for SBC Outbound Manipulation

You can use Dial Plan tags to denote source and/or destination URI user names in Outbound Manipulation rules in the Outbound Manipulations table.

To configure Outbound Manipulation based on tags:
1. In the Dial Plan table, configure a Dial Plan (see Configuring Dial Plans).
2. In the IP Group or SRD associated with the calls for which you want to use tag-based routing, assign the Dial Plan that you configured in Step 1.
IP Groups table: 'Dial Plan' parameter - see Configuring IP Groups
SRDs table: 'Dial Plan' parameter - see Configuring SRDs
3. In the Outbound Manipulations table (see Configuring IP-to-IP Outbound Manipulations), configure a rule with the required manipulation and whose matching characteristics include the tag(s) that you configured in your Dial Plan in Step 1. The tags are assigned using the following parameters:
'Source Tags': tag denoting the calling users
'Destination Tags': tag denoting the called users